Looking for interview participants: Czech and Slovak



I hope this email finds you well.

We are a research team from Gothenburg University working on a project with EU migrants' children who moved to Sweden. Therefore, we are looking for Czech and Slovak youth and children to do an online interview and share their experience of moving to a new country. Being a foreigner in a new place such as Sweden can be extremely hard for a parent, but even more for a child or a young person, which is a topic rarely discussed.  This was one of the reasons for our team to start research on how the younger population is experiencing migration, mobility and the feeling of being “at home”. The study is conducted by a research team at the University of Gothenburg, with the support of the Swedish Research Council, and focuses on intra-EU mobility and children’s experience and feelings in relation to their identity and belonging. The requirements are: 
  • between 6 and 18 years old at the moment of moving to Sweden (today no older than 29) 
  • lived in Sweden for at least 1 year 
  • moved from one of the eleven new EU countries with the parents or joined a family/a parent 

We would appreciate it if you could forward the information to the members of your Czech and Slovakian community. We would love to hear their voices!  Due to the circumstances, the interviews will take place online and therefore are open to anyone in Sweden. Help us to understand children and youth's point of view which undoubtedly has an impact on the satisfaction of life for the entire family. 

Please find attached the official info letter.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

Andrea Šrut