Online föreläsning på engelska på måndag 7/12. Small nation and big movement: Sokol gymnastic association and the Czechoslovak state-building.

Måndag 7.12 kl. 18.00 - 19.00 online föreläsning via Zoom på engelska 
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Historian Petr Roubal talks about the Sokol movement.
The Sokol gymnastic association, founded in the 1860s, played an important role in establishment of the independent Czechoslovak state after the First World War. In the interwar period it contributed to the democratic character of the new state and cooperated closely with the president T. G. Masaryk. In the Central European context this is a highly unusual development as the paramilitary sport organisations in general tended to support authoritarian movements and regimes. Sokol also played an important role in representation of the Czechoslovak state through the mass gatherings of its members - Slets - at the biggest stadium in the world.

Petr Roubal Institute of Contemporary History Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic.

Arranged by Sokol Göteborg in cooperation with Folkuniversitetet and Folkuniversitetetföreningen via Zoom.

Všesokolský slet 1948